BIO Integration will specifically focus on original, cutting-edge, interdisciplinary contents in the field of biosciences, including medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, biotechnology, etc., which generate hypotheses and questions relevant to the patient and disease and guide the investigations of cellular and molecular medicine. The journal publishes new methods, important applications, and new interpretations and treatments of existing data, as well as conventional studies in medicine that can be applied to future theranostic applications.
BIOI subscribes fully to the COPE code of conduct and best practice for journal editors ensuring that our editors are accountable for everything published in our journal. Our readers will always be informed about how the research is funded and our relationships with authors, reviewers and editorial board members will be influenced by COPE recommendations.
Hengyang Medical School, University of South China, Hunan, China
Contact: Cuihua Lin
Tel: +86-0734-8281241
Published By
The journal is published by Compuscript Ltd.
For more information please contact:
Morgan Lyons
Bay 11a, Shannon Industrial Est., Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland
Tel: +353 61 472743
Open Access
BIOI publishes as a platinum open access journal. This means all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. If the author and the journal are properly credited, non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is allowed.
Article Types Published
BIOI publishes original articles, reviews, mini reviews (research highlights), letters to the editors, editorials, editorial commentaries, perspectives/ opinions, case reports, technical notes and brief reports.
Information for Contributors
The Journal will not consider papers that have been accepted for publication or published elsewhere. Our full requirements for submission, including our conflicts of interest disclosure and ethics policies are described in detail in our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
Submission Process
Submissions to BIOI are made using ScholarOne, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access is available here.
Papers submitted to the Journal should present previously unpublished data or interpretations; they should not be submitted elsewhere while under editorial consideration. Manuscripts should be clear and credible in argument, have a clear hierarchy, use concise headings and have an appropriate mix of text, figures and tables.
Each author must disclose all financial relationships related to the subject of the paper. This should include equity ownership, profit-sharing agreements, royalties, patents, and grants. Authors do not need to report the sums concerned. If none, state “none”.
BIO Integration is indexed in Scopus, CAS, DOAJ, Research4Life, Ulrich’s web, OCLC, WorldCat, Primo Central (Ex Libris), Sherpa Romeo and Summon Databases.